Thursday, 14 February 2008

recapitulation of issues with the St. Helena Island Agriculture and Natural Resourses Department Officer (ANRD)

Here are the main issues we are dealing with the St. Helena Island Agriculture and Natural Resourses Department Officer (ANRD)

i. Awareness campaign with respect to welfare and care reponsibilites of owners of small animals.

ii. A small nuetering programme for cats and dogs (ANRD to look at reduction in fee for operation).

iii. A vaccination programme for small animals particularly as a method of prevention for Leptosporosis and these would need to be brought in by them initially as we have submitted a vet medicine budget already. From next year we would be able to source some supplies ourselves.

iv. The 'kennel' issue almost certaintly requires some research locally in order to provide evidence of a real need and if so, the SPCA could champion such an initiative with the private sector. ANRD would certainly lend support by providing some land for the

iv. Feral donkey control - the visit would have to be timed for the summer months so that the team would be able to get close to them as this the time of year they come up for water.

We would certaintly be able to assist with a surgical space and 3 spaces for animals to recover.

An anestetic kit would need to be brought by the team so that our budgetted supplies are not exhausted too quickly.

With regards to the outstanding issue of the XRay machine, after our initial meeting at ANRD on Friday morning, Steve took the opportunity to visit the hospital in Jamestown to talk to Rodney the radiographer, to find out which systems they use, so that an effort could be made to standardise equipment as much as possible. The hospital still uses a film based xray system, using an automatic film processor to develop the plates. This requires regular chemical changes regardless of how many films are developed, so he offered to develop any we took there as it would not cost the hospital anything to do so. This would avoid ANRD having to dispose of any chemicals.
He also pointed out a portable xray machine still in use in the hospital, but soon to be replaced, which he thought we could have for very little or nothing. It is a Philips machine and well known to be very suitable for veterinary use. I think this would answer immediate needs for x radiography.
Steve also talked to Dr Wendy, who owns 2 dogs, which were quarantined here. She has had experience of helping out with veterinary problems in the past on Tristan De Cuhna, & after some discussions, has readily agreed to help here with complex problems when no vet is present on the island. She does not want to be directly approached by the public, but will come to help when requested by Livestock officials at ANRD.

I hope this will be of help for all concerned with animals on St Helena.

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