Thursday 28 February 2008


The following is a brief general report of the main activities carried out by since our last meeting on the 18th July 2007 and includes microchip figures for that period as well as those over the past year since our last AGM.

There was only one case of cruelty reported to us since our last meeting

A report was received to the effect that a black /white and brown male dog was loose in the Half Tree Hollow area and was very thin and generally in bad shape. It was not wearing a Collar. The dog belonged to a resident of HTH and the matter was reported to Police for investigation. That investigation as far as I am aware is still ongoing.

There have been a few cases of animals (Goats, Dogs and Chickens) being a nuisance. In these cases where no actual cruelty took place and no cruelty was suspected the relevant persons were told to report the matter to Police.

Since our last meeting in July 2007, five dogs and one cat have been micro- chipped

53 Dogs were Micro chipped for year between 22.11. 06 – 14 .11.07
21 of which were females and 32 males
4 cats were micro-chipped during the same period. 3 of which were females.

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